Raia Oceanic Observatory of Marxe Ibérica
Entidad financiera
Interreg IV-A Cross-border Galicia-North of Portugal.
Project nr. 0313_RAIA_1_E (2009-2011)
- Consolidate an extensive ocean-meteorological observation network on the coastal shelf in the transboundary area of Northern Portugal and Galicia. For this, it is planned to install new oceanographic buoys at the mouths of the Duero and Miño rivers, and install two more at the end of the platform at the height of Porto and another in front of Cabo Silleiro. These platforms will complement the current automatic observation network of Intecmar / MeteoGalicia (Cíes, Ons and Rande), Puertos del Estado (network of deep water buoys and tide gauges) and the Hydrographic Institute (network of buoys and tide gauges). With the observational system, meteorological, oceanographic and biological data will be measured in real time, and will be complemented with data collection campaigns during the months of the project (IEO, IIM and Intecmar boat campaigns; water quality network of the Department of the Environment, etc).
- Development of new technologies that allow the improvement of existing ones in the field of oceanographic monitoring and allow the consortium to build its own regional technological base with the capacity for international expansion. Development of common protocols for data validation, communications, monitoring of biogeochemical variables and calibration of oceanographic sensors.
- Creation of a common data platform (observations and forecasts) of the Atlantic margin in the North of Portugal – Galicia transboundary area including all the real-time data from the aforementioned network and other data available in the study area (oceanographic, satellite images, HF radar data, river gauges, coastal weather stations, etc). Visualization of the historical data through an interoperability platform through the use of international standards: OpenDAP, WMS, etc.
- Operational implementation of the platform and coastal hydrodynamic and wave models in the transboundary area. Improve the quality of forecasts by:
- Assimilation of data in the hydrodynamic models of the platform
- Validation of the models against the current measurement networks and the newly installed platforms. Creation of a model data service on the web page using OpenDAP, WMS protocols, etc.
- Operational implementation of specific products and services for end users; models of currents and agitation in the Ports of Vigo, Leixoes and Viana do Castelo, larval drift models, spill propagation models, sea state forecast for shellfish of barnacle, etc. The data resulting from the project will constitute a fundamental piece for the understanding of the coastal dynamics of this region with impacts on fishing activity, use of wave energy, etc.
- Pre-operational implementation of water quality predictions on the shelf and coastal areas. Validation of the models with the data from previous campaigns collected in the project’s database, as well as with the data obtained by the new observation network planned for this project.
- Implementation of a sustainable observation and modeling platform for the northwestern Iberian ocean zone at the end of the project. This observatory will be the basis for the establishment of an organization that guarantees the maintenance of the infrastructure and the dissemination of information, as well as making the products and services developed during the project profitable.
RAIAco Marine Observatory of the Iberian Margin and the Coast
Entidad financiera
Interreg POCTEP Galicia-North of Portugal – 0520_RAIA_CO_1_E (2012-2015)
- MeteoGalicia – (Main beneficiary)
- Instituto Tecnolóxico para o control do Medio Mariño de Galicia (INTECMAR)
- Spanish Institute of Oceonography (IEO)
- Institute of Marine Research (CSI-IIM)
- Technological Center of the Sea – CETMAR Foundation
- University of Porto
- University of Aveiro (Portugal)
- Hydrographic Institute of Portugal
Put operational oceanography at the service of coastal communities and economic agents that carry out their activity on the coast.
- Maintain and improve the oceanographic observation and modeling network developed by the RAIA Oceanic Observatory, adjusting it to the needs of the strategic sectors of Galicia and Northern Portugal (aquaculture, fishing, tourism, recreational activities and ports) that can benefit from their services.
- Strengthen the productivity, sustainability and competitiveness of coastal activities linked to strategic sectors through the development of services and products of operational Oceanography and Meteorology that have a direct impact on better management of water quality and the exploitation of the coastal resources.
- Promote the creation and consolidation in Galicia and North of Portugal of a competitive group of companies with the capacity to develop marine services and technologies that allow us to have our own industry and technology.
- Develop a communication strategy with the users of the observatory through a consultative and interactive process, so that it can generate products to better satisfy their needs.
- Contribute to the Integrated Management of the Coastal Zone (ICZM)
Raia-Tec Tecnología Marítima e de Informaçao
Entidad financiera
Interreg POCTEP Galicia-North of Portugal – 0688_RAIATEC_1_P (2013-2015)
- University of Porto – (Main Beneficiary)
- MeteoGalicia
- Technological Center of the Sea – CETMAR Foundation
- Instituto Tecnolóxico para o control do Medio Mariño de Galicia (INTECMAR)
Increase or performance, availability and flexibility of equipments and structures that confer effective capacity to monitor and manage the maritime environment, being these structures and the collected data also placed or available to all those interested in the use of this space.
- Increase the number of applications and interoperability between computer platforms that make information available to the public and to specialized users of meteorological-oceanographic data, as well as their analysis and derived services.
- Test last-generation sensors and allow access to data. Evaluate the behavior at sea of support structure.
- Develop and test solutions for the use of renewable energy on board ships or structures to support oceanographic equipment.
- Implement robust acoustic communication systems that allow us to eliminate or minimize traffic via satellite used in the RAIA Observatory.